Soil & Plant Health Lab
Analytical Services
-reliable solutions to harvest sustainably-
- in touch with farm -
Screening Fungal, Viral and Bacterial diseases (DNA genetic testing & analysis)
accepting SOIL, ROOTS, TUBER, and WATER samples
Crops' test packages are designed to cover testing the most important pathogens in the Pacific Northwest; each category includes nematodes, fungal, viral, and bacterial diseases that are known to impact crop health and production.
For instance in potato fields, soil-borne disease complex that affect crop development include Rhizoctonia canker, black dot, potato early dying (Verticillium wilt) and numerous nematodes. Soil-borne disease complex that affect tuber quality include common scab, powdery scab, pink rot, leak, black dot, black scurf, fusarium dry rot, and root-knot nematodes.
With knowing the type of pathogens in a particular field and their levels of threat, disease complex can be managed by the integration of crop rotation, cultural practices, host resistance and agrochemicals.
Foreign & Interstate Samples
We hold the USDA-APHIS permit to receive foreign and interstate (domestic) samples. Contact us for details.
- simple, reliable, and affordable solutions to harvest more-