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Plant parasitic nematodes live in soil or plant parts that they infect. The process of taking a soil sample for nematode assay in a field involves collecting random sub-samples in a zigzag pattern, from the area in question. The process is almost similar to the procedure that is used for collecting a soil fertility testing sample. 

Auger samplers are used to obtain soil cores for pathogens and nematode population studies at different depths. The soil cores should be obtained from top first foot (12 inches) where most of soil inhabiting pathogens and nematodes live. Second and third samples may be collected by obtaining soil cores from as deep as second foot (12-24 inches) and third foot (24-36 inches) to ascertain that the deeper-seated nematodes are also covered.

Fields should be divided into areas of 5 Acres or less for sampling and separate samples should be taken from areas with different cropping histories, soil types, treatments applied, or crop health. For uniform fields of up to 5 acres, 10 to 20 cores (sub-samples) should be taken. 

Various sampling schemes such as collecting a core at regular intervals along a “W” or “zig-zag" pattern have been used. Various patterns to obtain soil samples is depicted below.

Soil cores are collected in a bucket, bag or other container that is easy to carry while walking up and down the field. 

Combine the sub-samples for a particular sample as they are collected. When sub-samples are collected, mix the soil thoroughly and place approximately 1 pint (~500 cc) into a quart-sized plastic bag. Bags should be sealed to retain soil moisture and kept out of direct sunlight – placing samples into a small, insulated cooler (without ice) is a safe and convenient method for protecting the samples until they can be sent to the laboratory. 

Label each sample on the outside of the sampling or plastic bag with your name, address, field ID (or other short sample identifier) and date of collecting.

Notes to Sampling, Handling and Storage of samples 

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